Gui Santos
4.1 ppg
1.1 apg
2.8 rpg
63.6 ts%
48.7 fg%
42.0 3p%
66.7 ft%
62.2 efg%
The Warriors are  8.4  points better per 48 minutes with Gui Santos on the court.
with (339 mins):
without (2162 mins):
The Warriors win 3.9% more of their games with Gui Santos on the court.
14-13 51.9%
12-13 48.0%
GP Mins Pts Asts Reb FGM FGA FG% 3PM 3PA 3P% FTM FTA FT% TO +/- Win% Techs
Avg 1 12.6 4.1 1.1 2.8 1.4 2.9 48.7 0.8 1.9 42.0 0.5 0.8 66.7 0.6 1.9 .519 0.0
Totals 27 339.4 111 30 75 38 78 48.7 21 50 42.0 14 21 66.7 17 51 14-13 0
# Date Game Score Result Mins Pts Asts Reb FGM FGA FG% 3PM 3PA 3P% FTM FTA FT% TS% EFG% TO +/- On/Off Techs